After a very spirited Christmas training camp in Victoria I managed to kill my Powertap hub through water abuse. Despite the area under the non-drive side cover being completely dry at all times, water managed to get in from the drive side and end the transmission of data. I was not to pleased with this turn of events that has left me in the stone age with only a stop watch and a heart rate monitor to guide my efforts for the last month. The positive part of this whole experience is the discovery of a company that takes care of its customers even after the warranty has expired. Saris Cycling Group, the company behind Cyclops and the Powertap brand allow Powertap users to ship back their dysfunctional unit for partial or full repair at a very reasonable price. In my case I needed the entire inner workings replaced which I was told would total $150 US. On top of this I had to pay shipping one way, depending on the shipping plan you choose it is reciprocated on the return trip. I received the hub today to find that not only had the vital electronic bits been replaced, but also the freehub body, all the bearings and even the axle. Essentially everything but the hub shell, spokes and rim! My only quibble is that they put on a black cover instead of my old yellow "Powertap Pro" cover.
All things considered though, very good value indeed. Just don't ride it in the rain.
Good deal.
Hey - ya gotta update the link to my blog!
So, what, you don't answer anymore, Strom! ; )
Hope things are going well,
yo per on your new power tap try taking the cap off and putting some grease to help it seal.
My PT hub died last week too...
I guess the Victoria climate isnt too Powertap friendly.
When are you coming back out here?
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