
Norwegian Culinary Delights: Ertesuppe


Nothing warms the soul like a hearty bowl of ertesuppe or pea soup on a crisp day in March. Made from whole yellow peas this soup also includes carrots, cured pork meat, onion and potato. Thyme is used to complete the flavour. Note that the yellow peas are in their whole form, not the commonly found split pea form. The whole pea is necessary to avoid a mushy soup as the cooking time required is quite long. Whole yellow peas are not commonly found in Canadian grocery stores, but can be found in shops specializing in Indian ethnic foods and spices.
From the picture above you will notice that the soup is served with flat bread. Traditional this soup dish is followed by pancakes in a form similar to Dutch pannekoeke, but not as sweet or rich. Normally these pancakes are topped with sugar or jam, the favourite amount purists being blueberry.


Anonymous said...

Det sa godt ut! Det er lenge siden. Kanskje jeg ma lage det en dag... Men det ma nok desverre bli fra pose i sa fall!


Patrick Houghton said...

French Canadian's make a similar soup as well...although we use split pea's 'cause....well...there isnt many ethnic food stores in rural Quebec!
