I have been trying to add some Flemish to my vocabulary and the goal for this year's extended stay is to become proficient in their everyday language. I am looking forward to yet another incredible cultural immersion and to seeing my good Belgian friends very soon. It is amazing how welcoming they have been and how integrated I feel when I am staying in Liedekerke. It is a completely different world from what I know
both here in Canada and in Norway, but a world I feel very welcome in and a genuine part of.
My brother and family departed for the motherland yesterday and although it is always a challenge to see them go, I know the future should see the distances decreased drastically between us. I am hoping to take a quick trip up north while in Belgium to visit Bergen and my sister so the possibility exists for a crossing of paths shortly.
Exciting times in the next few days and the beginning of yet another epic adventure on my doorstep. It seems small and large adventures are becoming a very regular part of my life and I don't intend it to stop.
Live the dream...
My brother and family departed for the motherland yesterday and although it is always a challenge to see them go, I know the future should see the distances decreased drastically between us. I am hoping to take a quick trip up north while in Belgium to visit Bergen and my sister so the possibility exists for a crossing of paths shortly.
Exciting times in the next few days and the beginning of yet another epic adventure on my doorstep. It seems small and large adventures are becoming a very regular part of my life and I don't intend it to stop.
Live the dream...
Yeah, it was hard to see you go too, but hope we can soon meet again! We're safe and sound, but the jet lag is a bit tough...
Ja Per ik dacht dat ik je vanavond al ging zien maar het zal maar morgen zijn als ik mij in het zweet aan het werken ben in de fitness. Ik zie je dan...
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