
Lost Race

On Saturday I was back in racing mode and ready to challenge a hard course in Lennik. This town is only a half hour ride from the house and I have ridden in the area a great deal over the past three seasons. I had a time and I had a town, so I set out early to once again compete in the famed kermesse scene. I arrived in Lennik down a familiar road knowing that the race must be starting at a point just outside the center as the town is currently undergoing road construction in the core. Normally races are relatively easy to find. The key is to follow cars with bikes on board, look for riders, look for police or other volunteers standing at intersections or find the distinct signs indicating prohibited parking the day of the race. After searching for these tell tale signs for a while I began to become worried that I might miss the start, so I began to inquire with the locals. With literally tens of races in the area over a short period of time it is difficult for even the locals to keep track of what is going on when, as was the case with those I spoke to. Some simply said that they had no idea a race was going on, and others attempted to be helpful giving me their best guess as to where to go. After 45 minutes of endless loops I finally stopped and could here in the distance the distinct sound of a race announcer and music. I followed the sound, but eventually realized that the sound must have been deflected and I was no closer to finding the race. With five minutes until the start I finally gave up and started the short ride home.
On the main road to home I came across two points where the race was to cross, two points I had ridden past an hour earlier... So much for that race.
On my way to the race that never happened I had tentitively decided that it would be my last in Belgium for 2007. Its been a long stay, my form is shifty and my motivation is hovering just above nill. The weather is currently garbage and with only just over one week left until home time I will spend my last days here in relax mode, enjoying the people and country off the bike.

Tomorrow I am scheduled to work as team mechanic for Pictoflex-Hyundia at a pro race in Erpe Mere. After the race I am hosting the next stop of the "Regio Culinary Conquests Dinner Party Tour" with a gastric trip to the far east. Then on Friday I think I might hop on the train and check out Antwerp. It is the only major Belgian city worth seeing that I have not yet experienced.


Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy your last days in Belgium. It's been really interesting reading the Blogg throughout the summer, you've definitely put in a solid effort!

Anonymous said...

tell us about the trip to antwerp and the netherlands, the new hairstyle, etc.... you are leaving so much behind with just 3 days left..... start writing!
