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It has been a strange last couple of weeks. Back to Calgary, back to school, back to work. I am back to everything I was up to when I left in April, but missing on key element...motivation. With only a few more months left of my university career and Canadian chapter I know what kind of a life can start in January, but I am really struggling to get myself there. I am taking 6 classes to finish up this degree and working as much as possible to create at least a small financial security platform. I have decided that I will not be racing cross this fall, but I will be riding. Two wheeled adventures that do not involve driving anywhere first or going around in circles seem to be the only things interesting me at the moment. If I don't have the opportunity to prepare to my full potential or the head for competition I refuse to race just for the sake of racing.
I had a great ride to Canmore about a week ago, just because the weather was good and I was bored. Lately the cross bike has been a way to rediscover the joys of jamming along the riverside trails in the city. In 2 hours I can ride 80% singletrack and satisfy my addiction to activity.
I have created some incredibly exciting experiences lately, thus falling back to the utterly predictable is difficult.
As fall descends on this part of the world I am just going to try to enjoy the next few months, my last as a student, my last as an Oval employee, my last as a Calgarian. You can follow the developments as options become clearer and plans are finalized. The adventure continues with a brief decrease in vibrance and intensity, but be patient.


Anonymous said...

fall camping, this weekend. lets make it happen.

Anonymous said...

Well, good luck with your last months as a Calgarian, "hold ut Nasse Nøff!", as we say in a familiar quote from our younger generation.

Anonymous said...

ja, uw broer heeft gelijk... denk ik?

Lieke said...

Doe dat nog goed de komende maanden, we hebben alle 2 iets om naar uit te kijken volgend jaar!!