
Tracking Treasure

Yamnuska, made it to the top of second bump from right.

It never ends. Today I climbed Mt Yamnuska with Shona, unbelievable, where have these mountains been all my life? I am addicted. 5 peaks in 16 days. So how did I get myself to the mountains yet again? The power of spontaneity. I was looking into flights at Travel Cuts getting a smoking deal quote from the agent when the mobile started buzzing. I took a peak at the call display and knew it might be adventure time. Minutes later called back, left a message and then headed off to class. 1 hour into class a text message, I busted out the door, and an hour later I was at the foot of the first slope on the eastern border of the Rockies, Yamnuska. Yamnuska boasts what is at times claimed to be the longest scree run in the Rockies, essentially a relatively stable massive gravel pile. It was like being 8 again and playing in the gravel pits I never was allowed to venture into. The pitch was steep and paddling through the gravel took a lot of effort. As we neared the top of the gravel and the traverse along the bottom of the cliffs the gradient steepened and gravel gave way to hard pack that was just too steep to get a confident grip on. Once on the traverse we made our way to the west side of the cliffs and with time as a pressure decided on what appeared to be the quickest route to the summit. This route, although arguably slower was the highlight of the day. I found myself tapping into courage gained from spending too much time on the school climbing wall almost a decade ago as we climbed our way up a steep chimney route to a point just below the final ascent. I was feeling the fear at several points along the route, especially when the slated rock simply pulled out as we climbed, forcing very delicate movements and speed. Once at the top of the chimney we were greeted by this:All that remained now was a few more moments of adrenaline forcing steep pitches and a final dart to the top. My hiking partner was not looking to thrilled at our latest accomplishment and decided to stay put on the ledge as I pushed on to nab the summit and take some pics. I darted up the last bit and was met with a view that quite literally took my breathe away. The praires, foothills and Rockies stood at my feet to the east, south and west. To the north an endless chain of alpine wilderness lay sprawled in the late autumn sunshine. Below me birds circled and cried their calls out over the vast landscape. I sat perched in a physical and mental place I have never been before, it was incredible, I don't have words for it, unbelievable. I took my photos and carefully negotiated the wall down. Upon my apparent radical enthusiasm for what I had just witnessed Shona followed me to the top again for a look and I took one last trip to that indescribable place. It was getting late as we took the decent, on a substantially easier route than our choice going up. Instead of taking the scree back down the front side we traversed nearly the entire length of the bottom of the cliffs and then found a steep switchback trail back the to flat lands.
Traverse below the cliffs
Another incredible day. The weather was phenomenal as you can see. One last ditch effort to enjoy the warmth to its fullest, to enjoy what could be my last fall in these parts for a while and the company of incredible people. This weekend looks to be fine for weather so its off to the playground again for more!


Lieke said...

Per ik ben jaloers maar met mijn dikke buik zou ik waarschijnlijk toch niet boven raken

Anonymous said...

Nice pics!
How do you have time for this?!?