
What, Where?

It has been a while. I have been writing some exams, taking care of business and not to fear I have been to the mountains. With group projects, exams, papers etc. computer time has been work time. I'll get you back in the loop.
Two weekends ago four of us took the North Over from the opposite direction from about a month ago to see what this side of the ridge looked like. It ended up turning into a 6.5 hour adventure on a trail that is normally done in one day, one way. Out and back to Three Isle lake was fairly uneventful until after we passed the Forks back country campsite. From there the trail became gradually steeper eventually putting us in waist deep snow up an incredible slope into the high alpine. Foster decided to bring snow shoes and launched some small cliffs to amuse us, we fired off a bear banger, Brooks ate a gel, put on yellow pants and took us all to school on the way back down before he cracked and I took us to school. We saw some cougar tracks and hiked for several hours in the dark in driving snow back to Upper Kananaskis Lakes. It was a great day.
Last weekend we welcomed my sister to our crew as she had just arrived from Norway hours earlier. As time was an asset none of us had a surplus of we decided on a tame outing up Cox Hill in the Jumping Pound Range. This hike also served to welcome Brooks as the third most dedicated member of The Alpine Club with four trips under his belt. Although the trail offered nothing in the way of true challenge it was a beautiful day spent in the vast mountain playground we are so fortunate to have at our doorstep. Although the parking lots was empty at the trail head, several vehicles could be found along the road back the Hwy 1, all belonging to Christmas tree poaching Joes seeking their own thrills.
The next few weeks will be busy with 5 more exams and a rather large assignment to be completed. I am also attempting to work as much as possible to bank valuta for what is to come in a few short weeks. Stay tuned for more mtn adventure and other insights although it could be sparse in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your exams!