
Norwegian Culinary Delights: Skoleboller

This latest installment of Norwegian Culinary Delights looks at a very traditional baked good known as Skoleboller, or directly translated "School Buns". I don't know what kind of buns you take to school, but if enjoy quality this is a good option. This delight is based on a standard sweet bun. Before the bun is placed in the oven a small cavity is made in the center and filled with a vanilla custard. Once baked and allowed to cool the top of the bun is coated with a thin layer of icing (simple icing sugar and water) and then promptly dipped in shredded coconut. In Norway this is a staple of any respectable bakery and is popular with school children on their lunch breaks. Skole boller are also a highly portable snack, I enjoyed my last one on a mountain top this past weekend.


The Experience said...

Mmm. Are there any Norwegian bakeries in Calgary?

BikeBike said...

that alone loooks like it could be lunch!

Lieke said...

Looks very good, maybe you can make some next year..
